Chapter 230 - Passionite

Sichuan Chengdu Mansion, this is the most important place to the Chuan Shu!

Today, it was also raining cats and dogs!

In the city of Chengdu Mansion, this place was considered quiet! There were thousands of troops stationed here. In the past, the imperial government had very tight control of this place, so there were no riots in the city today!

However, in the villages outside the Chengdu Mansion, the Passionite was gathering.

In a small town about forty miles west of Chengdu, there were thousands of Passionite at the edge of the town. Some of these Passionite's people came from the towns, while others came from the nearby villages. Of course, not all citizens participated in this white lotus, and there were many citizens who hid in their own homes and were not willing to participate in this event.

"Brothers and sisters, today, in various parts of Chuan Shu, our holy sect is starting a war! After this, the Chuan Shu will completely belong to our Sacred Sect! " An extremely obese middle-aged man who was over forty years old stood in the middle of the crowd as he laughed loudly.

His name was Li Guan Cheng, the biggest landowner in the town! He was not a Passionite, but the imperial government wanted to promote Rent reduction order in Sichuan, so he quickly joined the white lotus! This time, the white lotus in the town had started an incident, he was the leader.

"From now on, we will enter the glorious era of the white lotus! When that time came, everyone would have food and food, everyone would have clothes on, everyone would not suffer, everyone would not be affected! Everyone is happy! Everyone is happy! " Li Xiancheng held his hands up as he laughed heartily.

"Sir Li, after we enter this flourishing era of the white lotuses, do we need to work every day?" a Passionite asked loudly! His clothes were very tattered, and she was obviously a poor commoner.

"Of course not! After entering the flourishing age of the white lotus, no one needed to work. Naturally, food would fall from the sky! After eating food from heaven, everyone will live for a hundred years! " Li Guan Cheng laughed.

"Is this true?" That person didn't know how to reply.

"Of course it's true! The most powerful god under the heavens is the dead mother! The dead mother has ordered us to start something today! As long as you all follow me and charge into the Chengdu Mansion, establishing a flourishing white lotus, everything will be as I said! " Li Yuancheng said with a smile.

"This is great!"

"Go call your friends and relatives out, we'll start a war together!" Li Guan agreed.

Immediately, all the Passionite s agreed!

Many Passionite s were already preparing to head to their families, to mobilize their families and friends!

But in the end, this white lotus was still a cult, and the followers did not have any order. Not long after, the entire town was thrown into chaos!

There were many Passionite s and even some local thugs. They took advantage of the chaos to break into the homes of the common people, committing heinous acts.

At that moment, another group of people entered the town! They were dressed in white robes with many of their clothes embroidered with lotuses. It looked like they were from Passionite!

However, there was still a huge difference between them and ordinary Passionite! They were all around twenty years old. Their bodies were strong and their eyes were like lightning. As they walked, they arranged themselves in a row, and at their waists were weapons! If those with good eyesight were here, they would definitely recognize that they were people from the military!

At this moment, these people were heading towards the largest mansion in the town. It was the house of Li Guan Cheng who had spoken earlier!

When they arrived at the entrance of Li Guan Cheng's house, they were immediately stopped by several servants of the Li Residence!

"What are you guys going to do?" An old butler from the Li Residence frowned and asked.

At today's white lotus's gathering, the town was in chaos, but their master was one of the leaders of the white lotus, so no one dared to barge in! At this moment, seeing that there were some mud-limbed Passionite s charging over, the old butler immediately became rude!

"Humph!" Is this Li Guan Cheng's home? " A "Passionite" sneered.

"That's right!" "You filthy bastards, you are born lowly, hurry up and scram!" The old butler said.

"Your masters are the same as us, we are all disciples of the Passionite! In front of the dead mother, there was no difference between low and low! All the disciples of the Holy Church were brothers and sisters! This is Li Guan Cheng's home, and also ours! "Quick, get out of the way!" Passionite said!

"Bastard!" What nonsense are you all spouting! " The old butler said in disbelief.

"Brothers, we are all Holy Church's disciples, we should all donate our properties! Li Guan Cheng was the same! Go! "Get in and enjoy yourself!" Passionite laughed loudly.

Next, a group of "Passionite" with a military aura barged into the Li Residence. The old butler wanted to intercept them, but the "Passionite" leading the group kicked him to the side!

After a short moment, a scream rang out from within the Li Residence.

After a while, the Li Residence burst into flames!

Although it was raining outside, it was not raining much. Furthermore, there were a lot of wooden buildings in this era! Once the fire was ignited, it would simply be extinguished!

The group of "Passionite" had already climbed out from the wall on the other side! The leading "Passionite" scoffed, and said: "This Li Guan Cheng is against the rules of the imperial court, today his family will be wiped out! All of this is the doing of the white lotus, it has nothing to do with our army! "

The surrounding "Passionite" began to laugh loudly!

Another "Passionite" laughed and said, "Only death awaits you if you betray the imperial government and defy the emperor! There are more than ten landlords and gentry in this town that are disrespectful to the imperial government and disobedient to the imperial government. Today, we will burn down their homes in the name of the white lotus! We will also encourage the poor people to break into their homes and rob them! Your majesty, this is such a good plan, if this happens, all the gentry that have flunked the evil will be wiped out by us, and all of the sins will belong to the white lotus! "

The surrounding "Passionite" began laughing loudly once again!

They were already heading towards the house of another landlord. When they came here, they were once again intercepted by the servants. They knocked the person who intercepted them down to the ground and charged in!

"My brothers and sisters in the white lotus, the glory days of the white lotus have arrived! The properties in the families of Li, Liu, Xue and other rich people are all ours! In any case, we are brothers and sisters, and now we are like the blooming of a white lotus! Come, let's go to their house and eat and drink to our heart's content! " A "Passionite" was shouting loudly in the Passionite!

He headed towards Wealthy Master Liu's house, the rest of the Passionite were still a little afraid! All these years, the landlords and gentry s held an extremely high position in the hearts of the commoners. However, more than a dozen people had already broken into the mansion and knocked down the servants. The people behind were also getting restless!

"That's right!" We are all from Passionite, they are all ours! Go! "Enter!"

"Yes!" Let's go eat and drink to our heart's content, since the White Lotus is about to come! "

"Let's go!"

More and more people started to barge into Wealth Master Liu's house. Not long after that, there was chaos in his house, and soon after, there was a huge fire!

The homes of the numerous rich people in the town were set on fire. After a while, the homes of some ordinary citizens were also set on fire! Those who set the fires were some "Passionite" with the temperament of soldiers, while others were some ruffian Passionite thugs!

At this point of time, the remaining thousands of Passionite s were in complete chaos. They all rushed into their own homes to extinguish the fire, not to mention this! The whole town was in chaos. The ordinary citizens, who had yet to join the white lotus, were cursing at him, something that was unavoidable!

In Jiading Prefecture in Sichuan, the Prefect here was the Passionite. He had personally gathered the Passionite outside the city in Jiading City, preparing to rebel!

There was no order in the white lotus, tens of thousands of people were gathered here. It was already extremely chaotic, but right at this moment, hundreds of "Passionite" rushed over to the homes of the surrounding gentry, looting as they wished! Not long after, the remaining chaotic Passionite s also charged into the houses of the surrounding gentry s to loot them!

"How can this be? Fast! "Guard the magistrate court!" Seeing hundreds of "Passionite s" heading towards the government office, the Prefect's expression changed greatly!

"Brothers, the Prefect is currently my Passionite, so the Prefecture Overseer is naturally our white lotus's! The government's wealth belongs to us, the white lotus! Disciples in the white lotus are not allowed to own wealth! Don't you think so? "

"The big brother in front is right!"

"Go!" After entering the magistrate court, he took away all of the government's gold and silver treasures! As for the prefectural women, they are also enjoyed by everyone! "


More and more Passionite made their way towards the Prefect's yamen, especially with a few hundred people leading the way. The Prefect, who had collected many wulin master s in the past few years, was actually not their match! After a while, the Prefect saw that more and more Passionite s were about to rush over and shouted loudly before he ran off into the distance!

Not long after, the Prefect's yamen also caught fire!

Of course, because of the chaos, ordinary citizens suffered too!

In the Jia Ding palace, only a small portion of the people participated in the white lotus's rebellion, and many more people were cursing the white lotus in their hearts!

What they did not know was that at the same time the white lotus started their attack, the entire Jia Dingdong Palace, from the towns to the villages, over three thousand homes of the gentry suffered the attack of the "Passionite". Over three thousand homes of the gentry's families were burned to ashes.

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